Thursday, December 2, 2010


私はミーナ雑誌我上米娜了....感谢米娜给の机会(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……粉开心の说.
哈哈 废话不多说,先po上来给你们看看......
 当当~~ 就是这个啦......当我看到我の照片の时候....我吓到了一下....我の样子酷酷の,好凶哦~~~~(>_<)~~~~  但看了几遍,还蛮喜欢这张照片大家可别吓着了哦...为什么看到那么凶的女生出现在杂志啊 ...O(∩_∩)O哈哈~  


Monday, September 27, 2010

hahaha im back!!

aiyoyo...sorry boys & girls, i was so long never update never update my blog... b'cox im lazy!! 
but then...give alot ppl "!@#$%" ask me update my blog, so.... OH! BABY, IM BACK!! WEeeeee~~~  (◕‿◕✿)

don't where should I write.... hmm..

nowday i was so free stay at home, almost 1month+ 2month coming...

i was so boring at bf's car give a stupid Sunway Jokey Park worker drive and  bang it!! Dam him @@ now, not enough car go to class.. til now car not yet fix out yet... =( so hope the car will come out soon & i can back to my class...i want faster end up my course too.... i feel i at home, wasting time >_< this 1month+ was many happy and sad stories..
sad stories blah blah blah...i skip it....
let share my happiness to u all.....
hehe, last Tuesday (21.september.2010) i was been invited by Mina Magazine to attend and become the Mina马来西亚国际中文版顾问,《女人我最大》时尚达人李佑群老师 Mix & Match event model... i was so happy and honord become their model..hehex..let share some picture to u all.... ;)




 这是改装后の我...^^ 在为mina杂志拍照中...


 这是当天便邀请的第3轮Mina Missyの女孩儿们



the next day was mooncake festival
my bf's house having a mooncake festival BBQ celebration 
was so happy on that day,

weee...Babe Nicole celebrated with me...❤


the next and next day,  having a small gathering with 3rd round mina missy gurls
we having our dinner at Giza Mall,Fullhouse
don't what should i write again...
so,i just share out some pic to u all lo.... =P

here we go.....^^


❤Happy Family❤

❤ Me & DaJie : Nicole Paris ❤

❤Me & San Jie : Joyce Chow❤

❤Me & Da Mei : WeiWei Hor❤

❤Me & Xiao Mei : Shermaine Chin❤

We ❤ Mina

Mina Missy Final is coming , start voting at Oct.
so i need boys and gurls support me & my sisters too..❤

If want to see more pic, can go and add my facebook page


Monday, May 17, 2010

wonsie's wedding

yesterday having a wonderful nite ♥ wonsie and her hubby John been togethere 12years.. finally they marry ♥ and yesterday also their 12th years anniversary...congratz to wonsie and John ^^ today wedding dinner quite special, its was fun~ and when see u and John video very funny and touching.....

all the pic at my teacher i just upload few pic and show u all~is a very sweet memories❤

wish u both sweet sweet love forever~♥ Happy forever ♥ 16/May/2010 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

15.May.2010 (update)

hmm...sorry for long time never update my blog..
the reason is LAZY to write and update...ahahaha

and when want to update...dono wad should i write...(my mind suddenly blank...totally
well, today will write about this few week wad am i doing...

last week, i having my 2nd exam...i was soooo no confidence to take the exam...
the 1st day , teacher gving me a okay for me!

2nd day , OMG! POODLE! terrible cry out cox of the poodle..cox i don hope to get poodle and exam...but still get a poodle for exam...T-T

wednesday rest a home...

3rd day and 4th day exam...its poodle exam again..

dono result yet....have to wait graduate that day only noe the result...still have 2 more exam to go...GOD BLESS ME!!

after my last exam... having my primary class-mate gathering~
don wan write too some pic and show u all :)

 i love this camera so much...its my fren geh..XD

hehehe was so happy to see u guys..and cant wait for next gathering...^^
okay la!!finish update my blog~ will update when i free lo..hahahaha


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010


真的让我找你找到好苦.....3年了 3年后 我在面子书找回你 我这的开心到流泪了



当又一次美梦落空 回忆里被爱
那股激动 天色好红
温柔好浓 在胸口浮现你的面容
从那懵懵懂懂走 进各自天空
那是什么 让彼此选择
不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友
其实我的执着 依然执着
却决心和你不 再联络
不能握的手 却比爱人更长久
当所有如果 都没有如果
只有失去的拥有 最永久

但是,现在知道你一切过的很好 但是觉得你在娱乐圈一定会很辛苦吧

希望我们能保持联络,我会在心里永远的支持你....友谊万岁   ❤ 希望你在娱乐圈里 加油↖(^ω^)↗

Thursday, March 25, 2010

my lovely bi big day ♥

date : 24.03.2010
place: Ck House

24.03.2010 is my lovely bibi 26years old birthday
me & my bibi,we been stay and together 2years and 1 month 4days (25.03.10 count)
and this is was the 3rd time i celebrated birthday with him

every year i was giving him different supprise ^^ 
and every year i was bought somethings to gift him
but this year was different...
cox now im studying,no work and no much of money to buy expensive present for my bi
so, this time i was plan to bake a cupcakes by myself and gift him suprise as his birthday present..hehe
(this is my 1st time bake cake and for my bf ♥ )
here is the butter chocalte cupcakes i bake

haha, i know its look ugly >_< but i was taste so many time,
this is a final cupcakes i make it and taste yummy
this all this i already prepared before 1week, doing reseach and lie my bi and run 2 my friend hse and bake..hahaha (am i naughty... no choice have 2 like this) LOL
and my friend CK was helping me 2 act and lie my bf ( its dam funny)
at 12am i take the cake up for my bibi
haha he was so happy and suprise
its really really suprise cox i nvr touch bake cake things before,
and its was suddenlly i bake a cake for him...he feel happy
and im happy too ^^

he and his friend ate my cupcakes comment are good....
haha thanks to u all
im so happy ♥ kekez~

and at nitez...
we having BBQ at Ck house to celebrate my Bi birthday..
hehe its was fun ♥ i don't one to write much here,
i just post some pic i take at the party and show u all~

too many pic >_< so i just upload few of them


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

part 2


呵呵 除此之外呢...
其实我在忙上课 真的好累哦 累死人了


呵呵暂时upload 几张先 
希望能顺利的毕业 完成我的梦想❤


抱歉~忙得不可开交 没时间上来更新我的部落格 o(>﹏<)o

09.03.10 民众小学S.J.K.(C)MUN CHOONG 6G,2000同学聚会 (^v^)

呵呵 过了10年,很久没和我小学同学见面了....一些变了很多 一些依然没变 嘻嘻....虽然只有一部分的同学而已,但是当天真的很开心~我也不多说当天的状况了 我upload一些照片上来给大家看看好了Y(^o^)Y






呵呵还有很多照片~暂时upload这些先,迟些还有一次的聚会在upload上来给大家看看 哈哈~

12.03.10 Ipoh trip 怡保之旅

呵呵 这几天也同样的去这几个地方去走走,烧香~
